Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Thousand Gifts

I know that the next item in the blog should be "How Does the Holy Spirit Really Help Us?" It's the next (and probably last) posting in the series that began with "I Was Born This Way." It's in the works, but it's not ready yet. And in the meantime, I just feel I have to act on the wonderful idea I got from Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.

To encourage believers to give the Lord the glory due His Name through gratitude, different bloggers are beginning to create what they call the "One Thousand Gift List." Periodically they will add to their lists and share them with readers. A thousand ordinary things to thank the Lord for. It sounds like a wonderful idea to me. So here's my "starter list."

I'm thankful to Almighty God for:

My precious, one-of-a-kind family

Snowcaps in the middle of Summer ...
A reminder that God provides refreshment
in every season of life.

And Fall colors ...
A reminder that, for believers, even death has lost its sting.
If He makes death beautiful for leaves,
how much more will He give beauty to those who,
through physical death,
join Him in eternal life?
(I guess writing about my Heaven-dwelling grandparents made me think of this one.)

So much to be thankful for!

Why not start your own "Thousand Gift List?" (All of my entries on this subject can be found here.)

(All photos except the family portrait were taken by Betsy Markman here in Colorado)

1 comment:

Patty Wysong said...

What a wonderful post, Betsy! I loved the pictures--seeing you and your family was the best, even if I'm very partial to snow capped mountains and fall leaves!

Thankfulness--we can never be too thankful, can we? You've made me stop and think--thank you!

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